Distraction is anything that takes a driver’s attention away from the task at hand. Drivers using a mobile phone may be 4 times more likely to crash.
Here are some tips from Parachute Canada to help you stay safe behind the wheel:
Stunt driving is when a driver is:
The risk of death or serious injury is 11 times higher in collisions at 50 kilometres per hour or more over a speed limit of 100 kilometres per hour, than when vehicles are involved in a collision while driving at, or below, the posted limit (2013-2017 Ontario data).
For more information on stunt driving visit: Speeding and aggressive driving | ontario.ca
Impaired driving is when the driver is under the influence of alcohol or other substances. If you are planning on using alcohol or other substances arrange another form of transportation such as public transit, a designated driver, ride sharing or a taxi, or spend the night.
Impaired driving is dangerous and can impact the lives of many. In 2017, 133 people were killed in collisions involving a drunk driver, and 75 people were killed in collisions involved a driver under the influence of other substances. For more information, including the penalties for impaired driving visit Impaired driving | ontario.ca
For more winter driving tips visit: Winter driving | ontario.ca
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