Vector-borne Diseases

Vector-borne Diseases

Vector Borne Diseases


Vectors are mosquitoes, ticks, and fleas that can spread pathogens (e.g., bacteria and viruses).  A person who is bitten by a vector and becomes sick has a vector-borne disease.[1] Vector-borne diseases include: the plague, West Nile Virus, Lyme disease, etc.

The Grey Bruce Health Unit has a vector surveillance program, which includes mosquitoes and ticks. The identification and testing of these vectors provides data to monitor emerging vector populations in Grey and Bruce Counties. Mosquitoes are trapped for identification and viral testing (WNV and EEEV). Ticks are monitored by passive surveillance (submissions from humans) and active surveillance (tick dragging).


Mosquitoes (including West Nile Virus and Eastern Equine Encephalitis Virus)

Ticks (including Lyme Disease)




[1] CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (April 8, 2019). Division of Vector-borne Disease Division.  Retrieved from:


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