

Consuming alcohol can be linked to a variety of harmful health effects both long-term and short term including damage to your organs, increased risk of cancer, and mental health issues.

Resources for Partners & Professionals

Alcohol poster


Alcohol Use Guidance

CCSA has now released Canada’s Guidance on Alcohol and Health previously your Low-Risk Drinking Guidelines.

The updated guidance is to support individuals in making informed decisions about their alcohol use and health, and to ensure understanding that alcohol use comes with risk;

  • There is a continuum of risk associated with weekly alcohol use where the risk of harm is:
    • 0 drinks per week — Not drinking has benefits, such as better health, and better sleep.
    • 2 standard drinks or less per week — You are likely to avoid alcohol-related consequences for yourself or others at this level.
    • 3–6 standard drinks per week — Your risk of developing several types of cancer, including breast and colon cancer, increases at this level.
    • 7 standard drinks or more per week — Your risk of heart disease or stroke increases significantly at this level.
    • Each additional standard drink radically increases the risk of alcohol-related consequences.
  • Consuming more than 2 standard drinks per occasion is associated with an increased risk of harms to self and others, including injuries and violence.
  • When pregnant or trying to get pregnant, there is no known safe amount of alcohol use.
  • When breastfeeding, not drinking alcohol is safest.
  • No matter where you are on the continuum, for your health, less alcohol is better.


For these guidelines, “a drink” means

  • 341 ml (12 oz.) bottle of 5% alcohol beer, cider or cooler
  • 142 ml (5 oz.) glass of 12% alcohol wine
  • 43 ml (1.5 oz.) serving of 40% distilled

Drink Size Comparison chart


Municipal Alcohol Policy

Grey Bruce Municipal Alcohol Policy Template

MAP Template Evaluation Report

MAP Infographic


1. Why have a policy?

  • to provide guidelines for alcohol use in municipal buildings, and grounds
  • to decrease the risk of alcohol related problems which could result in lawsuits
  • to make the community a safer place

2. Who is involved?

  • municipal staff
  • volunteers
  • rental groups
  • general public
  • police
  • ARF/Health Unit

3. What is an alcohol risk management policy?

  • a strategy to help people understand and reduce alcohol related risks

4. Where are the places that are affected?

  • any municipally owned facilities, buildings, or grounds
  • the policy will state which municipal facilities are included or not
  • parks
  • campgrounds on municipal land
  • libraries
  • town halls
  • firehalls
  • arenas
  • fair grounds
  • part or all of a building, or grounds

5. When do people have a say about the policy?

  • you could represent the community at large or a user group during policy development
  • public meetings are held during the planning process
  • written comments are accepted on the draft before it is approved by council
  • the policy should be reviewed on an annual basis. Suggestions for change can be made at that time.


Throughout pregnancy, there is no safe time to drink alcohol. Drinking alcohol during pregnancy can result in Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). FASD can result in a range of disabilities and birth defects. For more information on FASD visit; Canadian FASD Research Network.

Resources for information on Alcohol;

Canada’s Guidance on Alcohol and Health

10 smart ways to limit alcohol | Canadian Cancer Society

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