Our Team


The Grey Bruce IPAC team consists of our Hub Lead, two Infection Control Professionals, and our Program Assistant.




Gillian Jordan, BASc, MPH, CPHI(C)




Infection Control Professional

Adel Coulter, RPN, CIC

Adel Coulter, RPN, CIC, has 18 years experience as a Registered Practical Nurse and has spent the past 10 years working in infection prevention and control. Adel holds her certification in infection prevention and control (CIC). Her work has focused on reportable infectious diseases, outbreak management, IPAC activities, assessment, investigation, and consultation in a variety of healthcare and non-healthcare settings.




Infection Control Professional

Krista Witzke, RN BScN

Krista Witzke has been a Registered Nurse for the past 18 years with the majority of her career being spent in Public Health.  Most recently she worked for four years as a Public Health Nurse (PHN) on the Infectious Disease Team before moving into the role of Infection Control Professional (ICP).  Her work has focused on reportable infectious diseases, outbreak management, case and contact management, investigation, assessment, and IPAC activities.  Krista has completed an IPAC Canada-accredited Infection Prevention and Control Course and is currently working towards her Certification in Infection Control (CIC) with the Certification Board of Infection Control and Epidemiology.



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