Disclaimer, Copyright and Privacy Statement

Disclaimer, Copyright and Privacy Statements


The material provided on the Grey Bruce Health Unit web site is intended for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for professional advice. If you have a health condition or concern, we recommend that you consult a qualified health care professional. The Grey Bruce Health Unit accepts no responsibility for any reliance on the information contained on this web site.


All information provided is believed to be accurate and reliable and is subject to change at any time.


We provide public health services to residents of Grey and Bruce counties. We may be unable to respond to inquiries from outside our area and would urge individuals searching for health information to contact their local health unit.


Links from or to web sites outside this site are meant for convenience only. Due diligence is performed to ensure off-site links are valid and appropriate. The content of and views expressed on off-site web pages and links are strictly those of the external agency, organization or business. The Grey Bruce Health Unit neither endorses nor accepts any responsibility or liability for the content of these sites.



The material on this site is covered by the provisions of the Copyright Act, Canadian laws, policies, regulations, and international agreements. Reproduction of any of the material contained in this web site is strictly prohibited without prior, written permission from the Grey Bruce Health Unit. Permission is granted to copy pages provided acknowledgment is made to the Grey Bruce Health Unit.


Privacy and Freedom of Information

Grey Bruce Public Health complies with the provisions of three privacy acts:

  • The Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA)
  • The Personal Health Information Protection Act (PHIPA)
  • The Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA)


We protect the privacy of an individual’s personal information existing in our records. We give individuals the right to request access to records containing their personal information. We only collect personal information that is necessary for public health purposes. Please visit our Privacy and Freedom of Information page for more information.


To submit a Freedom of Information (FOI) request, please fill out the attached form.


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