Road Safety

Road Safety

The goal of road safety is to make our roads safe for all users, at all times of the year.

Drivers need to stay alert, slow down, and follow the rules of the road.

There are three main threats to road safety:

  1. Distracted driving
  2. Not wearing seatbelts
  3. Impaired driving

All three of these can easily be avoided:

  • Don’t use your mobile device while driving - opt for hands free if you must make a call or require directions.
  • Wear your seatbelt every time you are in the vehicle.
  • And arrange for a sober driver if you are planning on drinking alcohol, consuming cannabis or using substances.

Within a moving car, car seats are an important tool to keep children safe and secure. They can help prevent serious injury when installed and used properly. For more information on car seat safety, recalls, how to choose a car seat, and installation tips visit: Child car seat safety (

Other road users, like cyclists and pedestrians, should also follow the rules of the to keep our roads safe for all users. Using active transportation methods like biking and walking are great ways to stay active and get from one place to another, however we also want to ensure we are being safe while on or near roadways.


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