Opioid Alerts
Harm Reduction is an evidence-based, client-centered approach that seeks to reduce the health and social harms associated with addiction and substance use, without necessarily requiring people who use substances from abstaining or stopping.
Stigma is a major barrier that prevents people from seeking help, and leads to people hiding their use, and using in unsafe ways. It also negatively impacts care, treatment, and recovery from addiction. It affects a person's ability to find housing and jobs, which affects their health and quality of life. Click on these links to learn more about the effects of stigma and how you can help end stigma.
Follow the links below to learn about harm reduction.
CMHA Ontario
Grey Bruce Opioid Response Plan
Follow the links below to learn about the Opioid Crisis.
Get the Fact about Canada’s Opioid Crisis
Click the video below to listen to Dr. Eileen de Villa, Toronto Public Health’s Medical Officer of Health, as she discusses: The Defining Public Health Crisis of our Time
Prescription Opioids Parent Information Sheet
Prescription Opioids Youth Information Sheet
Prescription Opioids Educator Information Sheet
Drug Guide for Parents
Drug Guide
Drug and Alcohol Use During Orientation Week
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