Lyme Disease Awareness
Table 1 and Figure 1 display knowledge of proper tick removal methods among Grey Bruce adults in 2014/15 and 2016. Just under 43% of Grey Bruce adults knew how to properly remove a tick in 2016; using tweezers, forceps, or a tick removal tool. Forty percent cited a different, incorrect method of tick removal, and 17% did not know how to remove a tick. These rates did not change significantly from the previous year.
Figure 1: Percentage of Grey Bruce Adults Who Know How to Properly Remove a Tick, 2014/15 and 2016

Table 1:Percentage of Grey Bruce Adults Who Know How to Properly Remove a Tick, 2014/15 and 2016
2014/15 Rate (95% CI)
2016 Rate (95% CI)
Tweezers/Forceps/Tick Removal Tool (proper)
40.8% (35.7% to 46.1%)
42.9% (36.1% to 44.2%)
Another method
43.1% (37.9% to 48.4%)
40.0% (38.9% to 47.0%)
Don’t know
16.1% (12.6% to 20.4%)
17.0% (14.2% to 20.3%)
Table 2 presents the percentages of Grey Bruce adults who were aware that ticks can be sent to public health for Lyme disease testing in 2014/15 and 2016. In 2016, just under 54% of Grey Bruce adults were aware that ticks can be sent to public health for testing. This was significantly higher than in 2014/15.
Table 2: Percentage of Grey Bruce Adults Who Are Aware that Ticks Can be Sent to Public Health for Testing, 2014/15 and 2016
Rate (95 % CI)
32.3% (27.5%, 37.4%)
53.8% (49.6%, 57.9%)
Read the full report here: Lyme Disease Awareness and Protective Behaviours in Grey Bruce